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Quorum Report Daily Buzz

August 23, 2016      4:37 PM

HK: Has alpha-male Donald Trump actually met his equal in alpha-female Kellyanne Conway?

After promising not to pivot, what influenced Trump to do just that?

Not two weeks after GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump forcefully told interviewers that he was not going to pivot, it appears he has pivoted. Backtracking on the wall, mass deportations and even quasi-apologizing for hurting feelings, this “reset” has so far lasted longer than any other.

So what is different this time?

Well, plummeting polls in battleground states and converting once safe Republican states into new potential battlegrounds with constant background chatter of the RNC cutting back on presidential expenditures in order to double down on holding the Senate and reduce the casualties in the House must have certainly broken through, even in Trump land.

By Harvey Kronberg