March 13, 2015      5:26 PM
Business and faith leaders circle the wagons ahead of sanctuary cities hearing
A red alert went out ahead of this week’s planned hearing, which was delayed thanks to a procedural move by Democrats
A ban on so-called “sanctuary cities” will be up for a
hearing on Monday after it was delayed a week by a procedural move by
Democrats. That time has given Democrats and some Republicans in the business community
time to organize after they felt ambushed by the late announcement of the
planned hearing. The immigration bill would ban local law enforcement from preventing
their officers from enforcing federal immigration laws.
Senate Bill 185, filed by Sen. Charles Perry, R-Lubbock, was
filed last November. It is identical to one filed the prior session and supported
by then-Gov. Rick Perry, who is not
related to Sen. Perry.
The bill was tagged last week, a move that was made possible because of the short notice given. On Facebook, Perry called the actions political posturing that
inconvenienced those who came to testify before the subcommittee.
“Our bill is simple,” Perry wrote.
“Cities cannot pick and choose the laws they want to enforce; public safety,
not political correctness should be the priority. I look forward to working
with my fellow legislators to pass this bill and place this crucial legislation
on the Governor's desk by the end of Session.”
By Kimberly Reeves