Harvey Kronberg's Quorum Report - Mobile

July 26, 2024      2:11 PM

Updated: In laying out Texas budget priorities, Gov. Abbott and Lt. Gov. Patrick push school vouchers while Speaker Phelan does not

Abbott and Patrick sent a joint letter to agencies regarding LARs including mention of ESAs; Phelan seems to be prioritizing the independence of the House, saying the "members of the Texas House will drive the budget process and priorities in the session."

Editor’s note: After Patrick went on his tirade about “Renegade Dade,” Phelan issued a statement that was more subtle. The story is updated to reflect that – SB

Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick on Thursday evening finally sent guidance to state agencies for their budget priorities including “school choice.”

Speaker Dade Phelan took a different approach.

The rest of the story, subscribers only

By Scott Braddock

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July 26, 2024      2:02 PM

People on the Move

Education groups shift up their leadership, lobby news, and more

Maybe we’ll get through this weekend without anyone making history.

Seems like a tall order, though. Jeremy Wallace and I will try to make sense out of the whirlwind that was the last week in politics when the Texas Take podcast drops right here later this evening. You might have to right click that link and open it in a new tab depending on your browser. The show should be available after 6pm or so.

Meantime, there are significant career changes to share, particularly in the education arena as some major groups shook up their leadership. There’s other lobby news, too. If you want the Texas Capitol community to know about your move – or you want to tattle on a friend or brag on one – share the scoop anytime at ksbraddock@gmail.com. Use POTM in the subject line. Thank you so much.

Here’s the latest edition of People on the Move.

The rest of the story, subscribers only

By Scott Braddock

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July 26, 2024      12:04 PM

Mayor Whitmire abruptly replaces Houston Fire Chief Peña with OEM head Tom Muñoz

Whitmire told KRPC TV that Peña plans to retire; but Peña said "I’ve had no conversation with the mayor about this."

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July 25, 2024      4:45 PM

Sarah Hicks departs the Office of the Governor

She's been with Abbott since 2017

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July 24, 2024      6:29 PM

Update: Admiral McRaven says he has removed his name from consideration as possible running mate for VP Harris

McRaven told Karen Tumulty at the Washington Post “I am honored to have been considered as a possible running mate for Vice President Harris. However, there are far better candidates and I have removed my name from consideration."

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July 24, 2024      4:59 PM

With an eye toward avoiding mistakes of last session, a special Texas House panel begins looking into foreign ownership of real property in Texas

Business groups and Asian American Republicans weigh in with concerns about discrimination and the state possibly creating additional burdens in legitimate financial transactions

The Texas House Select Committee on Securing Texas from Hostile Foreign Organizations on Wednesday held its first hearing, putting a priority of the state’s hard right flank front and center while broadening its scope from bumper sticker politics.

In March, GOP primary voters overwhelmingly passed a nonbinding resolution calling for a ban on the sale of foreign land to citizens, governments, and entities from China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia.

Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan formed this select committee on the issue in May.

Chairman Cole Hefner stressed that policymakers need to take a dynamic view, looking at all forms of infrastructure and property including intellectual property. “We live in precarious times where foreign hostile governments and agents threaten us,” Hefner said. “But this is a nonpartisan issue.”

The rest of the story, subscribers only

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July 24, 2024      4:55 PM

Sly says he will hold off making any announcement about a run for Congress until next month

Former Houston Mayor Turner said the late Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee "remains at the center of our hearts and minds – and I am grateful for it. News cycles move quickly, but departed heroes deserve the time to be grieved, and honored, and remembered...I will hold any announcement about my intentions until Friday, August 2."

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